The purpose of this manual, “Write a Best Selling Novel”, is to provide writers with valuable information and insight to enable them to create a better novel or screenplay in the genre of thriller, mystery, detective, spy, action and adventure. The difference between a good novel or script, and a great novel or script, can be a greatly enhanced income. 

There can be little doubt that talented novelists and screenplay writers could create a blockbuster product if they understood how police and intelligence officers think, how they react and what they actually do. If a writer had access to this “insider” information, his or her product would soon rise above the competition. 

The great majority of novels, TV shows and movies in this genre are so unrealistic, they could never be classified as great works. Plots are vital to these stories and a writer cannot afford to leave holes in the plot that a truck could be driven through. The purpose of this manual is to provide the “inside dope” on how law enforcement and intelligence agencies operate, and just as importantly, how the officers and agents think and approach problems and situations. 

Equipped with this knowledge, a whole new world of potential will open up to the writer. Situations that were given a few paragraphs in a novel, or a few minutes in a movie, could become the most interesting and exciting feature of a novel or movie, and at the very least, creates endless possibilities to expand and enhance a story.

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This criminal investigation manual stands out from the rest for three reasons: 

1) It applies to police investigation in all countries; It doesn’t become bogged down with details of the law in one country or another. 

2) This is a working manual designed for the field officer or street investigator. It can be carried on a smartphone or kindle and serve as a reference guide from the crime scene through to the eventual arrest of a suspect. 

3) Most of all, this manual is “practical”. Many police investigation books are so concerned with the law and court decisions that they forget to tell you how to actually solve a crime and apprehend the perpetrator. Others approach investigation from only a forensic application and forget that about ninety percent of crimes are solved using logic, deduction and human witnesses. This manual also does what most police colleges do not….teach you the often neglected art of recruiting confidential informants, gathering intelligence on organized crime, legally getting suspects to confess, and much more practical street detective work. 

The author is a former member of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police who has worked within Canada, the USA and even lived in China studying police training and operations in that country. In the RCMP he was assigned to the Major Crimes Section, Drug Section and Organized Crime Intelligence, as well as instructing at the Canadian Police College and later being Managing Director of a renowned Law Enforcement Academy.

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This book was written as an insider's view of China offering readers something different from that of an academic or business perspective, but beyond the usual travel guide information. This is a book about actually understanding China and its people, not just the usual tourist information. The author not only lived in China for many years, but is married into a Chinese family so he can provide a perspective that is missing in most books. Besides first hand information about the customs and culture, he explains exactly who the Chinese people are. They can be divided into three distinct groups, as different from one another as a Swede is from an Peruvian. These distinctions don't just apply to the the majority Han, but cross all ethnic backgrounds. The book also tells you about the Communist Party of China, the government of China, and how each relates to the average citizen and how the average citizen relates to them. The author is very clear when he says that almost everything you have read about China in the western media is wrong. This is modern China and having read this book, you will begin to understand the country and its people.

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